Source code for bioconvert.cram2fastq

# Bioconvert is a project to facilitate the interconversion               #
# of life science data from one format to another.                        #
#                                                                         #
# Copyright © 2018-2022  Institut Pasteur, Paris and CNRS.                #
#                                                                         #
# bioconvert is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify      #
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    #
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or       #
# (at your option) any later version.                                     #
#                                                                         #
# bioconvert is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,           #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          #
# GNU General Public License for more details.                            #
#                                                                         #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       #
# along with this program (COPYING file).                                 #
# If not, see <>.                             #
#                                                                         #
# Repository:                    #
# Documentation:                         #
"""Convert :term:`CRAM` file to :term:`FASTQ` format"""
import os
import subprocess

import colorlog

from bioconvert import ConvBase
from bioconvert.core.decorators import requires
from bioconvert.core.utils import get_extension

logger = colorlog.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class CRAM2FASTQ(ConvBase): """Convert :term:`CRAM` file to :term:`FASTQ` file Methods available are based on samtools [SAMTOOLS]_. """ #: Default value _default_method = "samtools" _threading = True def __init__(self, infile, outfile, *args, **kargs): """.. rubric:: constructor :param str infile: input CRAM file :param str outfile: output FASTQ filename """ super(CRAM2FASTQ, self).__init__(infile, outfile, *args, **kargs)
[docs] @requires("samtools") def _method_samtools(self, *args, **kwargs): """Do the conversion :term:`BAM` -> :term:`FASTQ` using samtools `SAMtools documentation <>`_""" cmd = "samtools fastq {} > {}".format(self.infile, self.outfile) self.execute(cmd) # Test if input bam file is paired p = subprocess.Popen( "samtools view -c -f 1 {}".format(self.infile).split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True, ) isPaired = p.communicate()[0].strip() # Collect the extension ext = os.path.splitext(self.outfile)[1] # FIXME: this compression code may be factorised ? output_ext = get_extension(self.outfile, remove_compression=True) # If the output file extension is compress extension if ext in [".gz", ".bz2", ".dsrc"]: outbasename = os.path.splitext(self.outfile)[0].split(".", 1)[0] if ext == ".gz": compresscmd = "gzip -f" elif ext == ".bz2": compresscmd = "pbzip2 -f" else: compresscmd = "dsrc c" # When the input file is not paired and the output file needs to be compressed if isPaired == "0": cmd = "samtools fastq -@ {} {} > {}.{}".format(self.threads, self.infile, outbasename, output_ext) self.execute(cmd) if ext == ".dsrc": cmd = "{} {}.{} {}.{}.dsrc".format(compresscmd, outbasename, output_ext, outbasename, output_ext) else: cmd = "{} {}.{}".format(compresscmd, outbasename, output_ext) self.execute(cmd) # When the input file is paired and the output file needs to be compressed else: cmd = "samtools fastq -@ {} -1 {}_1.{} -2 {}_2.{} -n {} ".format( self.threads, outbasename, output_ext, outbasename, output_ext, self.infile, ) self.execute(cmd) if ext == ".dsrc": cmd = "{} {}_1.{} {}_1.{}.dsrc".format( compresscmd, outbasename, output_ext, outbasename, output_ext ) self.execute(cmd) cmd = "{} {}_2.{} {}_2.{}.dsrc".format( compresscmd, outbasename, output_ext, outbasename, output_ext ) self.execute(cmd) else: cmd = "{} {}_1.{}".format(compresscmd, outbasename, output_ext) self.execute(cmd) cmd = "{} {}_2.{}".format(compresscmd, outbasename, output_ext) self.execute(cmd) else: outbasename = os.path.splitext(self.outfile)[0] # When the input file is not paired if isPaired == "0": cmd = "samtools fastq -@ {} {} > {}".format(self.threads, self.infile, self.outfile) self.execute(cmd) # When the input file is paired else: cmd = "samtools fastq -@ {} -1 {}_1.{} -2 {}_2.{} -n {} ".format( self.threads, outbasename, output_ext, outbasename, output_ext, self.infile, ) self.execute(cmd)